Saturday, May 2, 2009

Growing Baby

Yes, it's been awhile, but things have been busy here at the Beaurgard home, where we're constantly being consumed with the trivialities of day-t0-day life. Things such as washing dishes, cooking of dinner, spreading the cremated ashes of a beloved family pet across the front yard, etc.

The Ghost of Elvis haunts the living room late at night, where, if you listen closely, you can hear the very eerie sounds of a paws being licked.

Marilee continues to grow healthy and happy (as far as we know.) Last Monday she slept from 9 pm to 6 pm straight, but alas, it was only an anomaly, and she's returned to tormenting gently waking daddy up to ask for 2 AM feedings.

But at least there is decent TV on at 2 AM. There are two different poker shows to watch, both of which beat the uber-annoying Baby Genius shows she watches a few laters later in the morning when we plop her down in front of the TV to catch our breath.

The Baby Genius videos play these chirpy kid's songs that penetrate your mind and refuse to let go to the point where you're cluelessly standing in isle number 12 at City Market. failing in your efforts to remember what you were supposed to get because all you can hear in the brain is this musical gem, sung by Frankie, the singing pink elephant:

"One, two, I love you.
Three, four, let's count some more.
Five, six, get your kicks.
Seven, Eight, counting is great!
Nine, ten, numbers are our friends.
Let's Count them all again."

And trust me: after listening to this song several times every single morning for 104 days straight, you will NOT think of numbers as "our friends." You will hate numbers and hope they all die a painful, violent death.

Baby Genius Episode #347, the one where Frankie goes over to introduce herself to her new neighbor, Jason...

Speaking of serial killers, Grandma and Grandpa Beauregard have settled into a weekly routine of babysitting Marilee every Wednesday, so that daddy has some uninterrupted time during the day to watch soap operas work.

Nothing else too exciting to report, so I'll log off now and promise to provide updates on a more regular basis.

What happens when we run out of formula AND beer.

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