Friday, February 27, 2009

At Last.

4 ½ hours. It’s only 270 minutes, but it can feel like a lifetime, (in a good way). And last night, it was the length of time that Marilee slept consecutively.

So guess what I did with my 4 ½ hours? Guess. I’ll give you some hints:

1) It was very dark in the house.
2) The time was 11 pm.
3) I was in my warm and comfy bed.
4) No. Get your mind out of the gutter you pervs, Marie was asleep.
5) NO! I SAID, Marie was asleep.
6) It was quiet throughout the house.
4) I had not slept in six weeks, and was dead tired.

Have you figured it out yet?

That’s right! I tossed and turned in bed!

And after about, oh, say 4 ½ hours of that, it was feeding time again! Hooray!

Fortunately, as you can see here, Marilee got plenty of beauty sleep:

Don't laugh at her. Who amongst us has not had some leftover food stuck on our chin?

In "Elements emitting from the human body" news, baby has been pretty gassy lately. Burps, spit-ups and other things I can't mention in a respectable blog. Or even in this one for that matter.

"Welcome back to CNN. Again, our top story: Military analysts from around the world are scrambling to figure out the source of an enormous mushroom cloud, which we have now pinpointed as originating on Gunnsion Avenue in Grand Junction, Colorado at around 3:17 am this morning...."

Meanwhile, we continue to violate child labor laws bring Marilee down to the shoe store, where she helps daddy with the website.

Dad: "Dammit Marilee! I said to delete the Stuart Weitzman size 6.5. NOT the 6!"

Marilee: "Sorry Daddy. I got distracted by all these 'fotolia' words dangling in the air. Plus I'm sitting in my own feces."

More random photos.

"Start saving now Marilee, because the economists say that this recession could linger and.."

"Dang, I'm jealous. That baby is even hotter than I am."

"Who the hell is this woman?"

Even at six weeks, Marilee knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch:

Okay. We give in.


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