Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's on the Hush, Hush

I’ll share with you the secret to getting a baby to sleep. First, have her yell and scream and make various noises until 4:15 a.m. (Make sure she pees on your bed sheets too.)

Next, take her out on the couch, lie her on your chest and watch the 1997 classic film, "L.A. Confidential." (Hence the "Hush, Hush" reference.)

This is the technique that worked for me last night. Marilee seemed to obtain a peacefulness during the entire film, and slept all the way until around 7 am. She must have been calmed by the intriguing plotlines of screenwriter Curtis Hanson’s multi-layered screenplay. Then again, maybe she was just tired.

And why not? Last night was big for her. It was the first time me and the child production unit, (Marie), were away from the baby for any period of time. We ate at Famous’ Dave’s barbeque while trying to think of non-baby stuff to talk about. However, it turns out that in the end, rockets and mortars and Hamas are just not as fun to talk about as the various liquids coming out of our baby.

Grandma and Grandpa Beauregard watched her while we ate, lest you assume we left baby out in the car. We would never, ever do that. Her spit-ups could stain the Audi’s plush interior.

ANNOYING BABY NICKNAME OF THE DAY: Because she has this acne all around her eyes and nose, we’ve temporarily dubbed her: "The Pimple Pincess."

(For best effect, say it out loud while using your best Tony Blair imitation.)

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