Thursday, February 12, 2009

Groundhog Day

Yeah I know I'm a couple weeks late, but it's Groundhog Day here. Everyday is the same:

Feed baby

Burp baby

Change baby

Put baby down for an hour

Try to write

30 Minutes pass...

Feed baby

Burp baby

Change baby

Call crack dealer, see if he still has inventory...


But as long as I'm posting photos of groundhogs:

"I predict: Six more weeks of kicking ass and taking names."

Back to the baby front: Marilee is still eating non-stop. On occasion, she'll give us a 2 hour reprieve - just enough time for us to wash bottles, eat, make appointments with psychiatrists, etc. And even though feeding is like this:

For Marie, it feels more like this:

Those of you wondering why this Momma would stop in the middle of the road to feed have obviously never had 12 piglets screaming at you. Trust me, it's not fun.

We've even had to come up with a back-up plan, in case Marie runs out of breastmilk:

True story, from ABC News:

"With ABC camera crews on hand, actress Salma Hayek breastfed a stranger's baby while on a visit to war-torn Sierra Leone."

Typical of the lazy mainstream media, they fail to report that the "baby" was actually a smooth-talking 22 year old taxi driver.

As for us, Marie currently has no plans on breastfeeding a stranger's baby. However, you should never say "never." If we happen to find ourselves in Sierra Leone while Marie is lactating, we'll probably keep our options open.

Enjoy more photos. Again, these are not to be resold to "People" Magazine. "Naked Astronomer Monthly?" Yes. "People?" No.

Marie's former Unifirst Mortgage co-workers talk to baby: "Your mommy used to steal pens from work."

Elvis guards momma and the baby. (Just in case some machine gun totting groundhogs break in.)

Grandpa Beauregard: "Steve, I look forward to her tormenting you. Sweet justice at last."

1 comment:

  1. LGFTP, you are genius!! I'm so pleased you're writing again. Marilee Booooooregard is one lucky baby!
