Friday, February 6, 2009

Nobody Cares About Your Blog

For our inaugural post, we wanted to make sure that anyone reading this realizes that this blog is purely a self-indulgent exercise wherein we shamelessly brag about our daughter, Marilee.

The main blogger here (Steve ), will not opine on current events, sports, reality tv stars or even that "Sham Wow!" guy, (although for some strange reason, we can't change the channel when he is on.)

Instead, this blog will be our online diary about the most mundane events of our little girl's life. 3 weeks old today, Marilee Beauregard is our 10 pounds, 5 ounce bundle of insommnia. We will chronicle her feedings, her acne, he development, her sleeping patterns, her lack of sleeping patterns, her bowel movements - all in great deal. And we do not care if you think it is boring. Personally, we find it fascinating. All of it. Especially the bowel movements. You wouldn't think you could be interested in poop, but you can. Especially when the aforementioned poop is the kind that shoots out horizontally to distances measuring over 2 feet. (I've measured).

So feel free to join us on this adventure. And if you don't want to, that's cool too.


  1. Of course we aren't prejudice, but not only do you have the most precious baby in the country, but you set up a wonderful blog. Marilee will appreciate you time and hard work when she gets older. Keep it up!

  2. To babies and senior citizens poop is gold!

  3. So cute! I miss reading your thoughts (?) in The Free Press, so I am going to follow your darling child as she grows up and get some laughs too. Great to see you and HER the other night.
