Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Teat Time

"What are YOU looking at punk?"

While breastfeeding is our preferred method for keeping the little hellion shut up for a few minutes, there are times when Marie is too drunk not around to feed her.

Thus, we've introduced a second food source to Marilee's diet: powdered infant formula. Now, Marilee has her very own bottle:

And because Marilee screams a lot. Daddy has his own bottle:

If Marilee keeps screaming, we may introduce a third food source:

Other than that, things are going great. Marie was an angel last night. After several minutes of the baby making loud strange noises, Marie decided that I should be the one to get some sleep. So she she grabbed Marilee, shut the bedroom door, went into the living room, and tried to sell the baby on Ebay rock the baby to sleep.

Then she came back into the bedroom to tell me that overusing the new "crossing out" feature I learned on the blog today will lessen it's effectiveness. So I told her: shut up that's an excellent point.

On a side note, I was an "extra" in a movie that was partially filmed here in Grand Junction all the way back in June of 2007. It was called, "The Lucky Ones" and it came out on DVD today. Marie and I are going to Pat and Ali's house on Friday for the big star-studded Red Carpet premier. Actually, I think they have tan carpet. But you get my point.

All big stars have their own trailer while on set. Here's a photo of my trailer on Glade Park. Ok, maybe, technically, it wasn't MY personal trailer, but it was the place they told us extras to go sit and keep our mouths shut until we were needed.

Here is me with my co-star, Rachel McAdams, (she of "Mean Girls" and "Wedding Crashers" fame.)

As you see, Rachel can't keep her hands off me. (I eventually had to file a restraining order against her.) As a result of this photo, Marie has severe jealously issues and can no longer enjoy watching "The Notebook."

More post delivery photos that are NOT for commercial use:

Grandpa Ruben: "I hope you're not nearly as much trouble as your momma was."

Great-Grandma Woods: "I think I approve of her."

The hosts of the upcoming big Red carpet movie premier gala extravaganza, holding onto a movie star's child - wondering if these pictures will fetch as much as the ones of Brangeline's kids.

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