Thursday, February 19, 2009


Sorry for the lack of daily updates. I've been a little comatose tired.

Little known coffee fact #256: Starbucks lids make excellent pillows

Marilee continues her feedings every 2 hours, after which we burp her for an hour, then change her. At that point, she's ready for feeding again. On the bright side, I've watched NBC's "Poker After Dark" every single night this week. For those of you keeping score at home, "Poker After Dark" starts at 3 a.m.

"Welcome back Steve and Marilee. Glad you're watching us. What else would you be doing at this time of the morning?"

On the homefront, we've been blessed with visitors. Specifically, a reporter from the Grand Junction Free Press came by to write about the world's most beautiful baby:

One of Marie's unwritten rules: When posing for photos with the media, one should ALWAYS keep one's eyes closed

Aunt Ali, Uncle Pat, and cousins Georgia and Parker even made an appearance.

In our house, only the colors pink and brown are allowed.

Parker holds his cousin: "Not as cool as legos, but I guess she'll do."

A rare moment of silence. (It ended as soon as the flash went off.)

Great Aunt Trish is a natural with babies. Plus she makes great ham.

And since you are very curious, Marilee's diapers are getting fuller and fuller. We've found a solution:

"The Sham Wow can clean up an entire can of cola, AND absorb at least 2 pounds of feces."
Till next time.

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